Domain Mapping / Redirection / CNAME

For Shared Clients

To access your application using your own domain name, follow these steps to add a CNAME record for your MaxApex server hostname:

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Log in to Your Domain Control Panel

    • Access the control panel of the registrar where you purchased your domain.
  2. Navigate to DNS Settings

    • Go to the DNS or Domain Manager section.
  3. Add a New Record

    • Click to add a new record.
  4. Select CNAME as the Record Type

    • Choose CNAME from the list of record types.
  5. Enter the Host Name

    • In the hostname field, enter the subdomain of the address you want to use for your application hosting at MaxApex.
    • Example: If you want as your address, enter www here.
  6. Enter the Destination

    • In the Destination/Points field, enter MaxApex's server name. Example: (include the dot at the end).
  7. Set TTL

    • Specify a TTL (Time to Live) or use the default setting of 1 hour.
  8. Contact MaxApex Technical Support

    • Open a ticket with MaxApex Technical Support. Include your application ID and the landing page you want to map with your domain name.

Changing Nameservers to MaxApex

If your domain ( is not used for any other hosting or DNS records, you can change the nameservers to MaxApex for complete management:

Nameservers to Use:


Note: By changing the nameservers, MaxApex will have control over your DNS records, and will set it up on their server. Any existing records will no longer work after updating the nameservers. 

For Dedicated Server (Domain not purchased from MaxAPEX)

  1. Go to Your DNS Registrar Control Panel
    • Create an A record or CNAME record for your main or subdomain as described below.

For Main Domain:

  • Type: A record
  • Host: @
  • Value: Server's IP
  • TTL: Automatic

For Subdomains:

  • Type: CNAME
  • Host: www (or your subdomain)
  • Value:
  • TTL: Automatic

Note: To get your server IP address you can ping your server name using the operating system's command line.

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