PDF Reports / Jasper / Oracle REST Data Service Print Engine ( FOP ) / BI Publisher

Oracle REST Data Service Print Engine
You can generate PDF reports using Oracle REST Data Service Print Engine with all hosting plans. But it provides very limited formatting capabilities and can be used for simple reports only. This is already configured on all our servers and you can simple enable PDF printing option in your SQL or Interactive reports and use Download option to get the report in PDF format.

To learn how you can use it please see: http://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/obe/db/apex/r42/PDF_Printing_oll/PDF_Printing_oll.html
Jasper Reports
Jasper Reports provide you very powerful reporting capabilities. You can produce pixel-perfect documents that can be viewed, printed or exported in a variety of document formats including HTML, PDF, Excel, OpenOffice and Word. Most of our Apex hosting plans provide support for Jasper Reports. If your welcome email does not contain your credentials for Jasper Reports, please open a ticket with Technical Support and provide us schema name  you want to use Jasper with. We will create a JNDI data source and FTP directory where you can upload your Jasper files. Integration of Jasper reports with Apex is very easy. For details how to use Apex with Jasper reports, please see http://www.opal-consulting.de/tools/jasper_integration
BI Publisher
We don't support BI Publisher at the moment.
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