Jasper Reports - Basics

Following is the summary of steps to use Jasper reports:

*. Download and Install Jasper Studio 6.16 from https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jaspersoft-studio/releases

*. You will first add the Oracle driver for JDBC which can be downloaded from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/enterprise-edition/jdbc-112010-090769.html and add to the classpath.

*. Then you will create a new data source in Jasper Studio using the schema credentials we sent in the Welcome email.

*. Create your new report with Jasper Studio and save it on your computer.

*. Upload the .jasper file to the Jasper FTP folder using the credentials provided in our Welcome email.

*. Call Jasper to report from your application with APIs as shown below:

  xlib_jasperreports.show_report (p_rep_name => :p5_rep_name,
                                  p_rep_format => :p5_rep_format,
                                  p_data_source => :p5_data_source,
                                  p_out_filename => :p5_out_filename,
                                  p_rep_locale => :p5_rep_locale,
                                  p_rep_encoding => :p5_rep_encoding,
                                  p_additional_params => :p5_additional_params);

  -- stop rendering the current APEX page 
  apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true;

Here is a description of the input parameters:


parameter description default value required?
p_rep_name specifies the report name test
p_rep_format the report format, e.g. pdf, html, html2, rtf, xls, jxl, csv, xlsx, pptx or docx pdf
p_data_source configured data source, e.g. default, test default
p_out_filename a filename can be specified for the download for the "save as" dialog  

Locale string, composed of the 
ISO language code and 
ISO country code


the "charset" parameter for the content_type, a list of valid entries can be found here
E.g.: ISO-8859-15, UTF-8, Windows-1252

p_additional_parameters all parameters are passed directly to the report (excluding the internal ones (prefixed with "_")    
  • 7 Users Found This Useful
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